Fortitude Educate

We believe in a better world where education is accessible for everyone

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Fortitude EDUCATE seeks to address inequities across the global education sector and work on addressing them one school and child at a time. From resources to sanitation, our EDUCATE initiative works with schools and children in need to provide them with opportunities, resources, and means to access a quality education. We work with retailers, corporates, third party vendors, and government entities to serve as a conduit in helping underprivileged communities access the following:  

Areas of Focus:


Poverty and the lack of an adequate transportation routes makes travel for children across the world extremely difficult. Some students commute for hours to get to school, using boats, climbing cliffs or even riding rickshaws. Parents are often deterred from sending their children to school as current systems are unsafe and unreliable.

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Areas of Focus:

Education Technology

Most schools around the world lack the funding to provide resources that will help students in and out of the classroom. Instructional/learning materials not only include computers, but also simpler tech resources like blackboards, projectors, televisions, and printers in addition to internet access, software applications and tablets

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Areas of Focus:

School Supplies

One of the biggest issues regarding education around the world is the shortage of school supplies that students and teachers have that contribute to a lucrative learning environment. Students lack textbooks, backpacks, writing implements, and schools are often missing desks and chairs.

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Areas of Focus:

School Builds
Clean Water

Schools in developing countries and more rural areas around the world are often are often in poor conditions or unequipped to serve large amounts of children. Many of these school buildings lack the proper ventilation, air-conditioning/heating, bathrooms, or clean water.

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